What is Qualtrics?
Whether you are a department trying to meet the needs of students, or a student doing research for a psychology project, Qualtrics can make your life easier. Surveys are a simple and efficient option for getting information and opinions from people. With Qualtrics, surveys are made even easier because you can take care of everything online.
Qualtrics is web-based survey software that allows you to make custom surveys using any type of question you can come up with, including matching, ranking, drill down, likert, hotspots and constant sum questions. It then walks you through simple distribution and tallies your results. You can then have it generate tables and graphs of your data, and even run cross tabulations
BYU has received a multi-year grant from qualtrics, which means that if you are a BYU employee or student you can get a free online account. Once you have an account you can access it from any computer. If you want to learn how to use Qualtrics (or even just learn what all those question types do) sign up for our new Qualtrics class.
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