IT Training - The Blog

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Branching in Qualtrics

So you’re about to create three different surveys to send to three different audiences, (for example prospective students, students, and grad students)… except you don’t know how do you make sure each respondent gets the right survey. Qualtrics has an easy answer, just create one survey and use branches to get the right information from everyone.

Start out with a question that segregates your audiences (are you a student, grad student exc.). Then set up three blocks, one for the responses for each group. Now go into your survey flow, and add branch for each possible answer to your first question. These branches work a little like skip logic in that you set up a condition, and only the respondents that meet that condition see that part of the survey. Set a condition for each possible answer to the first question, and then add as a new element the block of questions for that group.

By using branches, you just simplified your survey sending process! You now only need one mailing list, and you can ensure the right people are answering the right questions.

To learn more about Qualtrics, sign up for our Qualtrics course.

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